1st Day Senior Project

Monday, April 29th --- 4 Hours

I woke up at around 8:30 and freaked out because I thought I slept through my first class. It's hard getting used to the whole process of waking up at a different time, maybe eating at different times, working at different times, etc. But, I managed to do everything I wanted to do today. David Netburn and I drove to Goosebay Sawmill & Lumber. When we walked into the store the first thing we saw was at least a hundred different rows of wood. I was excited because it was my first time buying wood for something that I would end up building. We bought around 215 dollars of wood, but the cashier gave us 15 dollars off because we were with Proctor. After we got back to campus, David and I went over our plan for the rest of the week and decided what prices we would sell our cutting boards for. We came up with a price which we thought wasn't too high, but high enough to make some profit, still with all the money going to charity. Overall, I thought it was a good day and I'm excited for the rest of Senior Project.


  1. Don't forget Mabel's wood working masterpiece! :) Solid day one! Don't forget to total project hours on your blog.


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